What’s Harder Piano or Violin? A Detailed Answer

If you’ve searched “what’s harder piano or violin?” you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll dissect the complexities of both the piano and the violin, providing you with the insights needed to make an informed decision.

What's Harder Piano or Violin
From Pexels.com by Clem Onojeghuo

Initial Cost

When you’re evaluating the difficulty of learning either the piano or violin, cost can indeed be a significant deciding factor. Let’s break this down:

Instrument Cost

Pianos generally come with a higher initial price tag than violins. A beginner-level acoustic piano could cost you anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000.

If you decide to go for a digital piano or keyboard, the cost decreases, starting at around $200 for a decent beginner’s keyboard.

Violins, on the other hand, can be more budget-friendly. A beginner’s violin kit, which usually includes the violin, a bow, and a case, can start at approximately $100.

Maintenance Cost

Over time, both instruments require maintenance, which is an often overlooked cost factor. Piano tuning can range from $70 to $200 per session, and it’s advisable to get it tuned at least once a year. Violins require new strings and possible rehairing of the bow, costing around $50 to $100 annually.

Accessories and Learning Materials

Sheet music, stands, and metronomes are common accessories you may need. For the piano, a sturdy adjustable bench and a pedal setup might be necessary, adding around $100 to $200 more to your initial costs.

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For the violin, a shoulder rest, rosin, and perhaps an extra set of strings could set you back an additional $50 to $100.

In sum, if the initial cost is a primary concern, you may find the violin to be a less expensive option, both in terms of the instrument itself and the associated accessories and maintenance.

Learning Curve

When debating the difficulty of these instruments, the learning curve for each one s different and poses distinct challenges. Let’s examine this in more detail:

Piano: Intuitive Layout but Complexity Builds

The piano’s layout is visually straightforward, making it easier for beginners to start playing simple songs relatively quickly.

Each key corresponds to a single note, and you have the immediate gratification of pressing a key and hearing a clear, definitive sound.

However, as you advance, you’ll encounter the complexities of playing with both hands, mastering a range of dynamic levels, and understanding music theory, which can make progression more challenging.

Violin: Steeper Initial Learning Curve

The violin doesn’t offer the same initial ease as the piano. Proper bowing technique and precise finger placement are essential from the get-go. There are no visual markers (like the black and white keys on a piano), so you’ll rely heavily on your ear for intonation.

Additionally, learning to read music for the violin can be challenging since you’ll often be dealing with more complex bowing techniques and shifting positions on the fingerboard.

Motor Skills and Coordination

Both instruments require a different set of motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Piano playing involves more independent finger movement and can be more demanding on your hand-eye coordination.

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In contrast, the violin requires a harmonious balance between the left-hand finger placement and right-hand bowing, demanding a different kind of coordination.

Physical Demands

Physical demands should be taken into consideration. Both instruments require different sets of physical skills, and it’s essential to match these to your own abilities and comfort levels.

Piano: Finger and Hand Strength

Playing the piano mainly uses your fingers, hands, and to some extent, your arms. If you’re prone to hand or wrist issues, the repetitive motion involved might exacerbate these problems over time.

However, unlike the violin, you don’t have to hold the weight of the instrument, which can be a relief for some players.

Violin: Whole-Body Involvement

With the violin, the physical demands can be more comprehensive. The instrument requires not only the fingers but also the wrists, arms, shoulders, and even your back and neck to play effectively.

Holding the violin against your shoulder and neck while maintaining the correct posture for an extended period can be tiring. Over time, poor technique or extended practice can lead to physical strain or even injury if not managed properly.

Posture and Ergonomics

For both instruments, maintaining proper posture is critical. Ergonomic piano benches and violin shoulder rests have been developed to support good posture, but awareness and regular check-ins during practice are vital.


While piano sessions can last quite a while without physical fatigue, the same can’t always be said for the violin. Holding a violin for an extended period can tire out your arms and shoulders, requiring more frequent breaks.

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Practice Time

The subject of practice time is another crucial factor when weighing what’s harder—piano or violin.

Regularity and Duration

Both instruments demand a consistent and dedicated practice schedule. For beginners, at least 30 minutes to an hour of daily practice is generally recommended.

However, as you progress, the time commitment may increase to several hours per day, especially if you aim for a professional level.

Quality Over Quantity

It’s not just the amount of time you invest but also the quality of your practice sessions that counts. Mindful, focused practice is more beneficial than clocking in hours without a clear goal or structure. Both instruments require different kinds of practice regimens.

For instance, piano practice may include scales, chord progressions, and repertoire pieces, whereas violin practice will often involve scales, etudes, and bowing exercises.

Individual Goals

Your personal goals for learning the instrument will also impact the amount of time you should practice. Whether you aspire to be a concert pianist or simply want to play songs around a campfire will greatly determine your practice schedule.

Time Management

Lastly, consider your lifestyle and how much time you can realistically allocate to practice. If you have a demanding job or other significant commitments, it might affect your ability to practice regularly, thereby affecting your pace of progress.

For more articles on piano questions, click here: Piano Questions: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding All About Pianos

Conclusion: What’s Harder Piano or Violin?

In the debate over what’s harder—piano or violin, the answer isn’t straightforward. Both have their own sets of challenges and advantages. It ultimately depends on your personal preferences, physical capabilities, and commitment to practice.

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